2 m
10 ft
In order to fit the requested geographical region, the zoom level was changed!
This is just a notification
  • Predefined hotspots
  • Local hotspots
All local hotspots are based on cookies and available only from this browser.

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Send us an email with the link:

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This action cannot be undone.

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  • Found an issue or simply have a question?
  • Missing an awesome feature?
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This application has been tested on Chromev59 Firefoxv54 Safariv10.1 IEv11 Edgev14
A screenshort of Syntool with anotations for each interactive element.
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The Timeline is used to show the layers of data related to the selected date.

To do this, you can move the sliders, setting the desired day.

You can also see the time variations by running the animation.


When there's too much datasets (more than 100 by default), they get split into pages (of size 100 by default).

The number of currently displayed datasets is shown between the two buttons.

You can use the left and right buttons to change the displayed page.

You can also use the hotkeys SHIFT+B and SHIFT+N.

You can click on the displayed count to show this message again.


On the Products panel you can choose the products to show as layers on the map.


There are several ways to scale the desired region on the Map.

To move around the map you can just drag it by mouse.

To zoom:

  • Use the mouse wheel
  • Use the zoom button on the right side of the screen
  • Double-click on the map (this will zoom in the region, centered at the click point)

The Toolbar provides additional features for interaction with the service.

  • Products: manage the visibility of layers and datasets.
  • Hotspots: manage bookmarked application states.
  • Share: allows you to get a short url for the current region.
  • Settings: choice of display theme, region, etc.

The iFADO prototype tutorial is finished!

All the tools can be used in any order.

Now you can continue to explore by yourself!

Shift + Jump to the date of the nearest dataset
Shift + Jump to the date of the previous dataset
Shift + Jump to the date of the next dataset
Ctrl + ASelect all visible datasets and shapes
Ctrl + Shift + ASelect all visible user shapes
EscUnselect all datasets and shapes
Shift + AToggle interpolation of the datasets' tiles
Shift + GToggle geographic filtering of the datasets
Shift + IToggle display of product name in vector fields info panel
Shift + VToggle the visibility of the vector fields info panel
Shift + FToggle the visibility of the user interface's panels
Shift + SToggle the visibility of the outline of datasets
Shift + LToggle the visibility of the grid
x2Zoom in
Ctrl + x2Zoom out
Shift + Measure a distance
Product List
Shift + Deselect all products except the chosen one
Dataset in Map with mouse over dataset
Toggle selection
Ctrl + Add to/remove from the current selection
Selected dataset(s)
Shift + PageUpBring to the front temporarily
Shift + PageDownPush to the back temporarily
Shift + M / - / Numpad -Reduce the opacity by 10%
Shift + P / + / Numpad +Increase the opacity by 10%
Shift + Toggle the visibility
Shift + CCenter the selected dataset in the timeline
Selected dataset's product
Alt + Shift + M / - / Numpad -Reduce the opacity by 10%
Alt + Shift + P / + / Numpad +Increase the opacity by 10%
Alt + Shift + Toggle the visibility
Change the current datasets page
Shift + BShow previous datasets page
Shift + NShow next datasets page
User shapes editing
EnterFinalize the shape being drawn
EscCancel the shape being drawn
Shift + DelRemove the selected shape(s)
DelWith the mouse over a vertex, remove it from the shape
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
