User Manual for the MyCOAST platform

In this user manual, it is expected that you are in the iFADO / MyCOAST machine and in /srv/http/MyCOAST/index_mycoast.html

Changing the default background map

To change the default map in the background, open index_mycoast.html in a text/code editor like VSCode and in line 945 you can find every map related option in the website.

To select a default map, you need to have a valid, uncommented map object already setup, much like

new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("GEBCO bathymetry Latest",
    "", {
    "layers": "GEBCO_Latest",
    "version": "1.3.0",
    "format": "image/png",
    }, {
    "isBaseLayer": true,
    "sphericalMercator": true,
    "numZoomLevels": 22,
    "wrapDateLine": false

and place it at the first position of the baseLayers array (right below baseLayer: [, don't forget the comma (,) at he end if you want more than one map and no errors)

Adding a new domain / depth

In order to add a new domain or depth, go to line 1040. You will need to have a valid product so it will get displayed. An example is the nitrate in the Portugal (Surface) domain

    label: external('currentColor') + 'Ammonia (MOHID)',
    id: '3857_ifado__0m_ammonia_tagus',
    type: 'NCWMS',
    selected: false,
    mustBeCurrent: true,
    opacity: 1,
    stackLevel: 0,

    ncwmsURL: '',
    ncwmsQueryAdapter: mohidTHREDDSSurface,
    ncwmsParams: {
        TRANSPARENT: true,
        COLORSCALERANGE: '0.060,0.085',
        NUMCOLORBANDS: 256,
        ABOVEMAXCOLOR: '0x000000',
        BELOWMINCOLOR: '0x000000',
        LOGSCALE: 'false',
        // NUMCONTOURS: 10,
        //ELEVATION: 0,
        LAYERS: 'ammonia',
        STYLES: 'boxfill/ferret',
        CRS: 'EPSG:3857',
        VERSION: '1.3.0',
    infoURL: 'resources/descriptions/'

Changing the information in each layer

Changing the color scale

To change the color scale and style shown in each layer, choose any domain currently in the website and select the STYLES paramater in ncwmsParams and choose your preferred style from styles